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February 3, 2025
Basic Zipper Bag PDF Pattern :: Free for a Limited Time from Alamosa Quilter

 I finished up my personal sewing project for the month!

Hexie Bag Side One Finished

Hexie Bag Side Two Finished

This is what I chose for the lining.

Hexie Bag Inside Finished

I filmed the process of actually sewing the bag and currently am offering the pattern I wrote for this bag for FREE. Click the link below and use the code FreePatternValentine2025 to get a copy for free through Thursday February 13, 2025 at 6pm Mountain Time USA.

Basic Zipper Bag PDF Pattern

To view the video you can watch it embedded right here or click the link below the video to go to it directly on my shop YouTube Channel. If you ...

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January 14, 2025
Personal Sewing :: Side Two of the Project from Alamosa Quilter

 I'm making progress on the second side of my little hexagon bag project.

Side two progress of Hexie bag

For this side I decided to just applique the hexagons down to my linen base in a pattern. I have more to add, but this is as far as I got yesterday afternoon while watching the NFL playoff games with my hubby.

I took a photo of the pre-made hexagons and the embroidery floss my friend gave me. I wish I had thought to take of photo of the hexagons before I started using them! They looked so pretty all laid out in rows that it ...

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January 7, 2025
Personal Sewing from Alamosa Quilter

 Every January I like to try to make something just for me. So I started this little project. It will be a zippered bag when it grows up.

Side one of my January bag project

The hexagons were a gift from a friend from several years ago. She went to the big quilt show in Tokyo, in 2019 I think. She purchased these pre-made 1/2" hexagons and few small pieces of Japanese fabrics and gave them to me. I have 100 of these little hexagons and I'm finally using them! This is side one of the bag. I'm not sure what the other side ...

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January 28, 2022
New Pillowcases from Alamosa Quilter

 Sometimes even the shop owner has to put aside work sewing and make something for herself.

New pillowcases

It has been two years since I made myself new pillowcases. It was time. These are already washed and on my bed. 

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January 21, 2022
New Tablecloth Quilt :: A Finish from Alamosa Quilter

 I finished our new tablecloth quilt!

tablecloth quilt 1

I altered the Moda Love pattern. The link in the previous sentence will take you to the free pattern. The pattern makes three sizes depending on the pre-cut you start with - layer cake, charm pack or mini charms. However, my squares finish at 7" and the quilt finishes at 56" by 56". This is the size I needed for our new dining room table.

tablecloth quilt 2

I used up more of my cat fabrics for the backing. And here is the label I made.

tablecloth quilt 3

I love using the old license plate fabrics from my shop for ...

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January 11, 2022
Birthday Sewing from Alamosa Quilter

 My birthday was last week. I gave myself the day off and stayed home and sewed! I made a tablecloth quilt for our new dining room table.

tablecloth quilt

The pattern I used is called Moda Love. It is a free pattern from Moda. I adjust the size of the finished squares to 7" finished so that it would fit my 46" round table. This version will finish at 56" by 56".

I am calling this quilt "Here Kitty Kitty" because I dug into my larger-than-I-thought collection of cat fabrics. I used 18 different cat prints for this project which isn't ...

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December 22, 2021
New Oven Mitts from Alamosa Quilter

 I have needed new oven mitts at my house for some time. When I saw this pattern that comes with a silicon shell I ordered the pattern (which comes with one silicon overlay) and a single silicon overlay (with no pattern) so that I could make a set.

oven mitts
The bowl fabric is showing through the silicon overlay. The silicon is clear which makes it hard to photograph. The silicon has a raised pattern on it to help with gripping stuff.

When they first arrived a few weeks ago I opened up the pattern and started to read but there were ...

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  • selfish sewing
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